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Admin last won the day on January 21

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  1. Unfortunately, botbeetle will not work in Brazil because I don't have that kind of money for free software
  2. All requirements of the new license are met on my part. So I think that the program should work from 27th January
  3. PLEASE NOTE - New licensing requests will only be accepted from Monday 27th January
  4. You need to transfer the desired script to the window. Drag and drop!
  5. I can’t say exactly now, maybe the maximum number is about 200-300. But there is a limitation on the part of the exchange. It doesn't give away endless amounts of markets. So use filters! To reduce the number of markets
  6. The current version does not have the option to make a dark background. This is not possible due to the old platform I have already started working on a new version. Of course it won't happen soon, but it will happen.
  7. Open the chart and change its size to the one you need. The size will be remembered and next time it will open in the size that was saved.
  8. In the Current version, the script is inherited from an abstract class. It must necessarily implement the following methods
  9. I have adapted these scripts to new types Botbeetle.Scripts.5.53.Update.zip
  10. 2. Price/Size list You can set constant value size of bet for each price.
  11. 1. Placement a new bet: This setting determines where the new bet will appear. “Insert” - to the beginning of the list, “Add” - to the end of the list.
  12. Improved: Project was migrated to 4.8 framework Added some bet settings
  13. I have free time. If you need help writing a script, write and I will help you.
  14. 3. Breakpoint will stop processing your script, and you know what you can do next. Good luck!
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